Horizon Men’s Ministry exists to see men equipped to live out the calling to be followers of Jesus. As we grow in our relationship with Christ, we become men of integrity and ultimately better leaders in service to our family, workplace and community for the glory of God.


Men’s Study: Romans

We are so excited to jump into our study through Romans! Join us as we worship together and jump into small groups to grow deeper in our faith together.

The Romans Bible study runs January 14th through April 16th.

Tuesdays: 7:00am
Wednesdays: 6pm

Men’s Ministry Teaching Archive

Weekly Teaching archives are available to listen to on both Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


Servant Leadership

As Men of Horizon, we take the lead in serving the church throughout the year.  Whether it's helping a single mom with a move, grilling and serving tacos at a weekend service, showing up on a Saturday AM workday to help prepare for a church wide outreach, building a home in one weekend for a needy family in Mexico, coming alongside our facilities crew for a few hours during the week, or serving in one of our regular weekly ministries such as Ushering, Greeting, Parking or Safety Team, the opportunities to use your gifts in service are endless.