to May 2


A worship and prayer night where we can make sure that our First Love, and our first priority, is the Lord. It's going to be the same day, same time, every month, no matter what! Every first of the month from 7:30-8:30 in the Sanctuary.

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After Hours
6:00 PM18:00

After Hours

Horizon Youth has a great opportunity for worship coming up as well. If you've got students 7th-12th grade make sure they come out for After Hours, an evening of worship and community, on Friday, April 4. Keep an eye on the Youth Instagram for more details.

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Peter Pan Jr.
to Mar 14

Peter Pan Jr.

Peter and his mischievous fairy sidekick, Tinkerbell, visit the nursery of the Darling children late one night and, with a sprinkle of pixie dust, begin a magical journey across the stars that none of them will ever forget. In the adventure of a lifetime, the travelers come face to face with a ticking crocodile, the fierce Brave Girls, a band of bungling pirates and, of course, the villainous Captain Hook.

Featuring the iconic songs, "I'm Flying," "I've Gotta Crow," "I Won't Grow Up" and "Never Never Land," and a rousing book full of magic, warmth and adventure, Peter Pan JR. is the perfect show for the child in all of us... who dreamed of soaring high and never growing up.

Get your tickets HERE

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Colsons Fellows
to Mar 9

Colsons Fellows

Gain wisdom.
 Live faithfully.
 Act courageously.

The Gospel isn’t a formula you apply to your life; it’s the Story you’re meant to inhabit. Take a deep dive into Christian worldview and become the kind of believer who understands how creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all go together to form the only true Story of the world. And then live it here and now.

Applications are now open for the 2025/2026 sessions…

For more information:

  • Go to www.colsonfellows.org as the primary source for information about the program. Visit the website and complete the “Request for More Information” Form. There is no obligation to enroll but this will initiate a series of very informative electronic communications from the Colson Center and a 10-page Program brochure will be mailed to you.

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Horizon Prep Spring Gala
6:00 PM18:00

Horizon Prep Spring Gala

We are delighted to invite you to our Spring Gala as we come together to celebrate the incredible work that God is doing at Horizon Prep, and to reflect on the exciting future He is leading us to in the days ahead.

 "God at Work" is more than a theme; it is a reflection of how His hand is evident in every aspect of our school—from the growth of our campus to the development of our students' hearts and minds. This evening will celebrate the impact of faith, education, and community, and how, working together, we can nurture the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and servants.


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Life Group Fair
9:00 AM09:00

Life Group Fair

Horizon is a “CHURCH TO CALL HOME”. Our church is not just a building but also a body of believers cultivated through genuine love, transformed and nourished through God’s Word, and a place where you can belong and discover life-long friendships. We often find through friendships numerous opportunities conducive through Sports, Music and Hospitality that make way for Godly companionships.

Come see Horizon’s “Life Group” opportunities at the Life Group Fair to learn of the extensive possibilities on how you can get more connected, how to serve and grow in your faith.

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Ensenada, Mexico - Outreach Day Trip
8:00 AM08:00

Ensenada, Mexico - Outreach Day Trip

We have a beautiful opportunity to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus to a special needs ministry, and its surrounding community, in Ensenada, Mexico. We'd love for you to share the love of Jesus with them by helping us put on a community outreach on Saturday, February 22. Get more information or sign up for this Missions Day Trip here.

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Mens One Day- A Meeting of Mighty Men
8:30 AM08:30

Mens One Day- A Meeting of Mighty Men


1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done with love. 

Saturday, February 8th, 8:30AM-1:00PM

Join the men of Horizon for worship, fellowship, teaching and fun (Axe Throwing, Intro to Fly Casting, Pickleball Clinic, Golf-Closest to the Pin competition) Light Breakfast and Lunch Served Cost by Donation.

Sign-up Here

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Youth Winter Camp
to Feb 2

Youth Winter Camp

Get ready for an amazing 3 days and 2 nights at Forest Home in Forest Falls, CA. This year's winter camp is combined again for all Horizon Youth Students 7th -12th grade.

Other Important Notes:
Cost covers food, lodging, and transportation. It is recommended that students bring extra spending cash for snacks at the snack bar and camp merch.

Sign-up Here

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Women's Christmas Tea
to Dec 9

Women's Christmas Tea

The Christmas Tea is a beautiful way for the women of Horizon to celebrate the Christmas season. With a delicious tea service, worship, and a special message from Suzy Kuj, this year's Tea is going to be one to remember. Tea tickets go on sale the weekend of November 9-10. For more information email women@horizon.org.

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Child of God Christmas Series
to Dec 24

Child of God Christmas Series

Pastor Bob kicks off a brand new Christmas series called "Child of God." Between the beautiful worship, powerful truth of God's Word, and the fellowship that fills the courtyard every weekend, your time at church is a wonderful way to posture your heart in expectancy for all that God wants to do this season! 


Saturday 6pm
Sunday 9am 11am
All Services Streamed LIVE

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Harvest Festival
5:00 PM17:00

Harvest Festival

Invite your friends, bring your family, and stop by for a great night out! On a night when the world wants to celebrate darkness, we've got a family friendly alternative that's all about pointing people to the light of Jesus! There's candy, games, rides, food trucks, and lots of fun in store at this year's Harvest Festival. 

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to Jul 6

High School Summer Camp


We are so excited to be planning for our favorite week of the summer up at Hume Lake Christian Camps! This summer, we will be looking at the person of Jesus through the book of Matthew. As Jesus reveals who He is, He asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In the same way, all of humanity must answer the question, “Do you believe that Jesus is who He says He is?”

Sign up for High School Camp

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to Jun 29

Jr. High Summer Camp


We are so excited to be planning for our favorite week of the summer up at Hume Lake Christian Camps! This summer, we will be looking at the person of Jesus through the book of Matthew. As Jesus reveals who He is, He asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In the same way, all of humanity must answer the question, “Do you believe that Jesus is who He says He is?”

Sign up for Jr. High Camp

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to May 19

Horizon Baptism


If you’ve made the decision to follow Christ, one of the most valuable next steps you can take is baptism. Baptism is a symbol of what Jesus did for you, and is a way for you to declare your faith publicly.

Fill out this form to get on the list for the next baptism. We’ll keep you posted with all the details for the next baptism weekend at church, or down at the beach.

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to May 31

Horizon Missions


Horizon Church is committed to partnering with Missionaries and Organizations to take the Gospel message of Jesus to the unreached in every corner of the globe.

Would you keep the upcoming Missions Trips is Prayer?

  • A Horizon Kids team is heading to Thailand to run a VBS program alongside Mercy Ministries.

  • A Horizon Team is heading to South Sudan at the beginning of May to serve with In Deed and Truth, by helping in their clinic and celebrating the first graduating class at the brand new Bible College.

Want to stay up to date about Missions opportunities? Keep your eyes on the Missions Page here.

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6:00 PM18:00

Horizon Prep


The mission of Horizon Prep is to educate the whole student within a Christian context through classically-based and Christ-centered education. Horizon Prep growing and we’d love for you to be a part of it!

Schedule a Tour

We recently completed a brand new building, new Elementary School Quad, and are setting out on the development of our back athletic fields, all to the glory of God! These new fields will host football, soccer, tennis, pickleball, sand volleyball, and golf as well.


Would you partner in the mission and help us grow? You’re invited to the annual Horizon Prep Gala on Thursday, April 25, on the USS Midway. It is sure to be a night to remember!
Help Us Grow

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6:00 PM18:00

His Word For Marriage


Wherever you are in life, everyone can agree on this ... healthy marriages don’t just happen naturally. They take work! That’s why we are excited about our monthly Marriage series at Horizon called, “His Word for Marriage.”

Pastor Bob and Bonnie will be answering some specific questions about marriage at the final session. If you are looking for answers from God’s Word for a specific question or topic within marriage, simply fill out the form below.

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8:00 AM08:00

Life Groups


Horizon Life Groups are a great way to get involved, find community, and have a good time! Sign up with a Life Group today and start connecting! You can find groups based on season of life, sports, arts, and other interests as well.

Check out the Life Group Directory here

Do you love basketball? There’s a 3-on-3 Tournament on April 7. Sign up here.

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to Mar 31

Easter At Horizon!


Saturday 6pm
Sunday 9am 11am

He is Risen! It’s the greatest news humanity has ever received. That Jesus conquered sin and death, in so doing He secured the eternity of those who would put their trust in Him. Celebrate with us on Saturday at 6pm, or Sunday at 9am or 11am, and invite others to come too!

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10:00 AM10:00

Christmas Eve Service 10am


Christmas Eve service times are 10am and 4pm this year. Horizon Kids will be offering kids church at the 10am or join us as a family for the 4pm candlelit service. Both services will be held at our outdoor venue on the back field. The snow hill will be open after the 10am service and snow fall is in the forecast!

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6:00 PM18:00

The Living Nativity


Throughout the 30 years of ministry here at Horizon there is one event that stands out and holds a special place in the hearts of this church family, and that’s the Living Nativity. Whether you’ve been to every Living Nativity we’ve ever put on, or you are anticipating attending or serving at your very first one, we are thrilled to bring it back this year!

There are 4 great ways to get involved with the Living Nativity and we would love for you to pray about how you can do each of these four things.

COME - Visit the marketplace, enjoy some hot chocolate, and then experience the true gift of Christmas through a live-acted story tour of the life and ministry of Jesus.

SERVE - There is something for everyone when it comes to serving at the Living Nativity. From building the sets to acting in the scenes, greeting and serving hot chocolate, directing in the parking lot, or even helping in a games or craft booth at the Marketplace. Keep an eye out for the launch of Volunteer Sign Ups.

GIVE - We couldn’t do this event without the faithful giving of the church body. If you feel lead to give above and beyond your regular tithe to make this outreach happen, you can do so online, in person at our services, or by texting the word NATIVITY and any amount to 84321.

INVITE - Share the invitation with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Give them the gift of the gospel and the hope and joy that can be found in Jesus this Christmas.

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