Moses and the Bush Administration
So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses!’ And he said, Here I am.’ Then He said…I am the God of your fatherthe God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God. Exodus 3:4-6
Anyone who’s ever failed can appreciate redemption, right? I mean, if you’ve ever messed up and felt that shameful feeling of failure inside, I hope you also know what it’s like to be given a second chance.
It is amazing what redemption can do in a person’s life, and I would love to see redemption do a work in your life and mine. For this to happen, there are a few things we should understand.
First, know that redemption starts in the heart of the man or woman whom God has called. Take Moses for example. He had murdered a man and then forty years later he finds himself standing before God in the burning bush. God is about to call him to lead Israel out of Egypt, but he can’t lead Israel any farther than he has gone himself. If redemption didn’t first nail him between the eyes and radically transform him, then he wouldn’t have gone anywhere with Israel.
But as Moses sets aside his sandals and submits to God’s presence, he is filleted wide open with his sins laid bare for God to deal with, to cover in powerful grace and forgiveness. Then, having experienced God’s redemption, he can now be used as an instrument to redeem others.
You can see God’s work of redemption as His rescue mission, and really that was true for Moses. He had fallen from the greatest palace the world knew at that time, driven by his sin into a wilderness where he shepherded sheep in obscurity for forty years, all the while carrying the weight of what his sin had cost him.
So many of us are the same way today. We feel driven by our sin, enslaved to it, cut off from the life or the futures we desire. But God is our redeemer, our rescuer, today.
Just as God heard the cries of Israel in their slavery and saw their affliction, He sees you today and His heart and desire is to rescue you. In fact, this is His promise to you today. Will you let Him rescue you today?
Prayer Lord God,
You are the only one who can redeem me and rescue me out of the mess I am in. Please come and save me from the shame and slavery of my sin! Fill me with Your redemption and lead me into the good plans that You have for me!