The Signs that Lead to Sin
And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day the LORD will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. You shall set bounds for the people all around, saying Take heed to yourselves that you do not go up to the mountain or touch its base. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death.' Exodus 19:11-12
Have you ever really thought about how good we have it in this New Testament Age? If not, then you really need to consider our verses today.
These are verses that would stand out for us as an amazing contrast between the Old Cov-
enant and the New. The Old Covenant, the old way of life for the people of God, was pretty unapproachable when it came to actually being in the very Presence of God. In fact, it was only the high priest who could go in past that big curtain that separated the rest of the temple from the Holy of Holies. He could only go in on behalf of the people and only one time a year.
And so, here, God is saying that you're going to have to keep your distance and anybody that gets too close is dead on the spot, right? You're going to die. Don't let the people get too close.
What deal do we get in the New Covenant? Gang, listen, you've got to be praising the Lord for this. He says the opposite to you. He says, Draw near to me. Draw near to me! The access and availability for you to be in My Presence has now been paid for and atoned through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Run into my arms, Jesus says. Cry out, Abba, Daddy. You know, our God never changes. Even when He spoke to Israel, telling them to keep away, His heart was one of a Heavenly Father who desires fellowship in the raising of His kids, in developing us, in maturing us. But still in that relationship with Israel, they could only get so close. The rest they would have to live vicariously through someone such as Moses, on their behalf going up and meeting with God.
And yet for us, God welcomes us into His Presence. In fact, He even makes His Presence live in us through the Holy Spirit.
We have access to God that Israel couldn't even imagine having. The only question is, how often do we take advantage of it? How often do we really camp out and enjoy the Presence of the Lord?
Ask the Lord to make His Presence known to you today, and when He does, take the time to rest in it.
Prayer Lord God,
You are such an incredibly awesome and powerful God! Thank You for giving me access to Your Presence! Please meet me in Your Presence today and show me how to truly live in the fullness of this amazing gift that You give me!