Better Families
My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; for they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck. Proverbs 1:8-9
How do you plan to raise your children? Wait, you do have a plan, don't you?
Many parents unfortunately seem to have paid a lot more attention to bringing a child into the world than they did to preparing that child for life in the world. The fact remains, however, that bearing a child and rearing a child are two very different things. And while you can bear a child on accident, you cannot successfully raise a child unless you put some hard work into making and keeping a plan.
Fortunately, God is a good Father, and He has shared with us some of His secrets. Here are three of them:
First, we must train our children to treasure what the world thinks is trash. In our verses today, God drops two very unpopular words. Instruction and law are not things we generally like to hear about, but God's promise is that when we hold fast to them then there is a reward. The picture we get here is one of a champion athlete who has won the race and has received the garland and medal that proves to everyone their quality. This is something worth treasuring!
Second, the world treasures freedom, but God treasures honor. Honor is the heart value that leads to obedience. It is the attitude that causes another person's words and actions to hold weight in your life. If our children have honor in their hearts toward us as parents then they will listen to what we say, hold us in higher regard than their friends, and restrain their own actions with good choices instead of needing punishment or nagging.
Third, the world treasures independence, but God treasures insight. We must train our children to value our experience, insight, and advice. They have to have ears that listen without rolling their eyes.
Discipline is the key to getting at your child's heart. The last thing you want is outward obedience without a change of heart, because they will follow their heart as soon as they leave your house. So focus your discipline not on your child's behavior, but at the heart behind their actions.
This is a good plan for parenting. It will take hard work and diligence, but you can do it. And I promise that your family will be a blessing beyond all you thought it could be.
Prayer Father God,
My family is so important to me, and I want to do it right! Thank You for helping me make and keep a plan for raising my children. Please help us to be a better family!