November 23rd

Can You Believe This?

Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it has been declared to me concerning you...that there are contentions among you. Now I say this, that each of you says, I am of Paul,' or, I am of Apollos,' or I am of Cephas,' or I am of Christ.' 1 Corinthians 2:2

Remember yourself back in math class. Now try to answer this: 100 divided by 2 is-of course you know-50.

Alright, you got that one correct, so let's try one more: 90 divided by three is-you got it?-30, that's right.

In the church at Corinth had a problem with division, and I don't mean a math problem.

I mean that the church was split a bunch of different ways, schisms within one body over whose teaching they associated themselves with.

The church was splitting at its seams, but not because of growth. Imagine a political climate in America where instead of two main parties, there were four main parties, and each one's followers staunchly held their status as registered voters of that party. It's bad enough just with two main parties, yet this church had at least four groups duking it out for supremacy.

Paul heard about this and had one thing to say: Stop it! Stop being divided!

He went on to give them a vision of something higher than division to unite them. He said, I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).

It's all the same, so stop arguing about it. In fact, realize that everyone who is working for God's benefit in your life is on the same side, and that it's you who are bickering and tearing each other down who are on the wrong side!

It's time for us to realize that Jesus has one body and that we serve Him best by building it up, not tearing it down.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You that You can work through anyone! I repent for any time that I have torn down Your body and worked to create divisions. Please help me to see Your body the way that You do and rejoice whenever it is built up.


Horizon Church
November 22nd

Heaven: A Study of Our Home

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Revelation 21:7-8

If you're only born once then you have to die twice, but if you're born twice then you only have to die once.

Did that make sense to you? If not, then it will soon. In fact, our verses today make it very clear. They contrast two eternal choices-living forever as God's son or dying forever an eternal spiritual death.

This spiritual death is a second death that is completely separate from the physical death that all of us will one day experience unless we're raptured. Everyone, both Christian and non-Christian, has to experience that physical death. But then comes the hereafter-eternal spiritual life or eternal spiritual death.

Now, let me tell you right now, you want to avoid that second death. It's bad news. And the only way you avoid it is by being born again. And I really like this, because it makes the focus of our life on Earth very clear.

See, when a baby is born, let's be very clear, that baby must die to the world of the womb in order to come alive in this brand new world that is so much better than the old world of the womb. This death to the womb is not an option. The cord must be cut. The old womb-world is put aside, passed away, but behold, all things have become new.

Life in this world cannot happen without a baby first dying to the old. Period.

Here's the point: A lot of Christians right now are not excited about Heaven because they're living for this world. But if we want to experience that second life, and if we want to avoid the second death, then it is time for us to cut the cord, stop living for this world, and start living for the world to come.

Start living today with Heaven as the beat of your heart and desire of all that you live for.

Prayer Father God,

Thank You for making a way for me to be Your son and avoid the second death! Please show me what it means to die to this world and how to live for Heaven in my life right now.


Horizon Church
November 21st

One Way

What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? Rather that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:19-21

Aren't you glad that we don't live in the Old Testament times? I am.

I mean, they had all those sacrifices they had to make, and that just sounds messy. Can you imagine at Passover time, when all the people in Israel had to come together at the Temple and offer sacrifices? I'm not trying to be graphic or anything, but that's a whole lot of slaughtered animals; that's a lot of mess.

But now that Jesus has become the sacrifice for sin on our behalf, are we done making sacrifices? Paul answers this for us in our verses today, making it clear that we still have sacrifices to make.

Now, listen. In saying in our verses today that he doesn't want you sacrificing to demons, that doesn't mean he doesn't want you sacrificing. It means he doesn't want you sacrificing to demons.

So what is it that you are sacrificing? We aren't sacrificing to make our sins right anymore; Jesus did that. But there are still sacrifices of worship and thanksgiving to be made, especially in light of all that Jesus did sacrifice for us.

Or is sacrifice a one-way street for us? Is that something that He did on the cross for me and, It's good, Bob, that we remember that sacrifice. Yes, but is it good that we disassociate ourselves so much from that sacrifice that it's only Jesus who sacrifices?

Paul says, Listen. The Gentiles sacrifice, but they're sacrificing to the wrong things. They're sacrificing to demons and not to God. I don't want you to have fellowship with demons.

Are we saying, I can juggle this. I can manage all of these plates. I can allow for Jesus to be one of many focuses in my life. I can allow for Him to be a spoke of many spokes on my wheel.

Listen, when we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us, we end that nonsense and say, This is my life. This is my hub. This is my center. This is my meaning. This is my purpose, and all else that the world might want me to bow down to and live for, I sacrifice to Jesus.

We have a sacrifice, and it is everything we are and have. Our sacrifice is to lay it all before the Lord Jesus alone, and not before any other thing, and let Him be God over all.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for giving everything for me! I'm sorry for any way that I have sacrificed to anything or anyone other than You. Please forgive me and accept from me all that I am and have!


Horizon Church
November 20th

The Measure of Our Days

Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised. Song of Solomon 8:6-7

What is the greatest force in all the world? We can think of many things-tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, nuclear weapons, volcanoes, earthquakes, and more-but the most powerful force in the world is love.

Look at God's description of love that He paints for us in our verses today. There are seven pictures for us in these verses of what our love relationship with God should look like.

First, it is personal. He says, Set me as a seal upon your heart. This is referring to the king's signet ring, a mark of identification as personal as our birth certificate or social security number. It is everything that defines who we are, now defined by and sealed by the identity of Christ.

Second, it is powerful. Throughout scripture, the arm is a symbol of strength. And here in these verses we see that love binds God's strength and our strength together-us holding fast to Him and Him being our strength for all our needs.

Third, it is permanent, as permanent as death. Nothing can beat death accept the love of our Savior who is more powerful and permanent than death.

Fourth, it's possessive. God is a jealous God, and His jealousy is fierce as the grave, yearning for our hearts to belong to Him alone. How jealous is your heart for Him?

Fifth, it's passionate. His love burns so passionately that He is called an all consuming fire. His love for us defines who He is. Can you say the same about your love for Him?

Sixth, it perseveres. We've seen a lot of floods in America in recent years. Katrina drowned a whole city. But not even those waters, not even all the waters of the ocean could put out the flame of God's love.

Seventh, it's priceless. Consider all that God's love is, and then know that you could never buy it, not with everything you have.

Come and experience this love the Lord has for you today; then love Him the same way in return.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

You love me, and that's just incredible to me. Please help me to receive Your love in every way that You show Your love to me, and then help me to love You back, all day every day, with everything I have.


Horizon Church
November 19th

Wrong Way Worship

Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all at the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. 1 Corinthians 10:1-5

Hey, listen up, there's something I want you to know.

That's how Paul started 1 Corinthians 10. I think that's an interesting way for him to start this chapter. In some translations, it says, I don't want you to be deceived. And cer-

tainly if Paul thought it was important to know, then we should make it important to know as well.

He wanted them to know about Israel and how they got tripped up and distracted by idols, how they didn't even make it into the Promised Land. He names some of them in the next few verses so that we can make sure we stay free from them and avoid the same fate as those Israelites.

First, he names lust. It's an idol, lust. Sexual immorality, that's an idol, too, just a click away on your computer. Guys, gals, I'm telling you, get the help you need to keep this idol from destroying your life. Don't let it trip you up.

Second, he names tempting Christ. It's an idol, but what does it mean? It means taking the things God has given you for granted, even hating them, and wishing you had never come out of the world. That might be a surprise for some of you, because the way you're living, it's like you haven't come out of the world yet. Come out of the world, then be thankful for what God's done for you.

Third, he names complaining. Yes, complaining. It's an idol, taking your eyes off of God and all He's done for you and yelling at Him like He hasn't made things good enough for you. So what's the point of all this? I mean, surely you and I aren't going to fall into idolatry,

right? Well, don't be so fast, because Paul warns us to take heed, lest we fall.

In other words, we shouldn't just pass ourselves on this test and assume that we're okay. What we need to do instead is look to Jesus, because the point here is that we can't do life God's way by ourselves. We need help-His help.

Will you humble yourself today, asking God to help you live for Him?

Prayer Lord God,

Thank You for giving me the Israelites as an example so that I can learn from their mistakes. Please help me today and every day to live for You, staying away from all idols and worshiping You alone!


Horizon Church
November 18th

The Losses of Lawsuits

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? ...Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? ...I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren? 1 Corinthians 6:1-3,5

What is one of the biggest problems our society has today? Dishonor.

Dishonor is defined by the me first mentality, the attitude that puts self first before all else and refuses to consider the broader impact of our actions and decisions.

One ultimate expression of dishonor in the Church is bringing lawsuits against fellow believers. We need to take this matter seriously, and I will give you four reasons why.

First, it dishonors the family of God. When we insist on putting ourselves first, even if we have suffered wrong, instead of preferring one another and being thankful for what we have, then it dishonors the whole family. It is especially shameful to bring our disputes before unbelievers, as though they are somehow more capable to decide justice than a wise believer with the Spirit of God living in them.

Second, it dishonors the future. Paul says, Do you not know that we will judge the entire world, and the angels as well? Certainly we can judge cases among ourselves! Do not forget who you are or think yourself unworthy to hold the gavel and bring justice, for one day you will even judge the angels! Begin to practice now what will then be perfected.

Third, it dishonors the fellowship between you, your spouse, your kids, your business, or any other relationship you have had which you are now trashing by taking that person to court. We go to court trying to make things right, but we do more harm than all the good we could possibly ever get back.

Fourth, it dishonors the forgiveness we have already received. The truth is that when we bring our issues to court, refusing to forgive those who have wronged us, then we are dishonoring the forgiveness we have received. We have been forgiven, and so we must forgive.

No matter what, we lose more in a lawsuit than we gain. Above all, we lose our witness and trash the holy name of Jesus. Flee this dishonor and choose to be thankful, forgiving those who have done you wrong.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for forgiving me, even dying for me after all I did against You. Help me to have that same attitude toward those who wrong me, that I would rather die for them and restore our fellowship than to see them punished for the wrong they did.


Horizon Church
November 17th

When the Church Gets It Wrong

For I fear lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I wish, and that I shall be found by you such as you do not wish; lest there be contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, Lbackbiting, whisperings, conceits, tumults. 2 Corinthians 12:20

Let's get one thing straight-Jesus is perfect, but His Church still sometimes messes up. The problem is when we keep messing up without thinking we're doing something wrong. One of the biggest ways that the Church can mess up is in thinking that it's all about us. It sounds like this, Well, the music was too loud/quiet/fast/slow/modern/old/etc. I didn't like the preaching and it wasn't helpful for me. I'll just try a different church next week.

Let me ask you, do we come to church for us? Do we come for others? Or do we come for the glory of God?

I was at a big church once, just sitting in the greenroom before the service, and in this greenroom, they had all of these monitors of the cameras that are in the sanctuary. Now, all these cameras were watching the people as they came in, so all of us in the room were just watching these people who had no idea they were on camera.

All of a sudden, this lady walks in and everybody in the backroom says, Watch her. Watch her right now. Watch this.

All the cameras in the sanctuary focused in on this gal as she walks in, and here's what she did. She walks into the sanctuary and she starts looking around. She's kind of scoping out the room, but not to find the most comfortable seat where the air isn't too cold or too hot, where the light is just right to see her Bible.

She didn't walk in with that; you could just see it in her countenance that she was praying about where God wants her to sit. Suddenly, she notices in the front right corner of the sanctuary this elderly lady sitting all by herself. And she goes out of her way in that corner of the sanctuary to walk down the aisle and over the pews and through the rows and down over here and plants herself down next to this elderly lady.

And everybody's watching. The cameras are zooming in as she does this. And it wasn't more than a couple of minutes before she had her arm around that elderly lady, praying for her, and the lady starts crying.

Listen, what those cameras caught wasn't recorded on tape, but I hope it is now forever recorded in your heart, that we are coming before the Lord with this heart of taking Him, His house, His Word, and His work most seriously.

And taking ourselves seriously? Please not so much.

Prayer Father God,

Thanks for the reminder that life isn't about me. Please soften my heart to live beyond myself, especially as I gather with my Christian family.


Horizon Church