Triumph or Tribulation
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! Job 19:25-27
How is life these days? Have you personally recovered from the recession?
Maybe the last few years have been rough. Maybe the market downturn threw you a curveball. Maybe you lost your job. Or maybe some other tragedy has struck your life-the death of a loved one, troubles in your family, or any number of other things that so many people go through.
I know that for most of us, when we're in the low times of life, the last book we want to read is Job. I mean, we already have so much bad and depressing news, we don't really feel like reading a whole book about bad news, right?
Well, today we look to Job to teach us some good news.
That's right, I said good news from Job-the guy whom Satan knew by name, the guy who lost all his wealth, all his property, all his children, and most of his servants all in a matter of moments. All he had left was a nagging wife who told him to curse God and die. Who knows, maybe Satan knew she would be more torment to him alive than dead, so he left her alone. But things didn't stop there. Soon he had boils and was afflicted with disease so that he had the worst kind of suffering in both heart and body.
And it's from this guy that we're going to learn good news.
Here's the good news, are you ready? Job learned through his tribulations that triumph is promised in the name of Yahweh. He realized that God still provides the victory. He said, Even if my skin melts, I know that I will still see my Lord.
No matter what else happens to us, God still wins, and we will still see Him one day. And when that day comes, we will be whole and complete. Job's hope was unshakably in God alone, and he longed for the day when his hope would be realized. Not only that, but he longed for his faith in God to be recorded forever in a book.
The truth is that our faith in God, whatever that faith is, is being recorded in a book called the Book of Life. No matter what you're facing right now, is your faith like Job's wife? Or is your faith like Job's, eagerly waiting for the salvation of God?
Prayer Lord Jesus,
Thank You for being my victorious Savior! I'm sorry for the times that I have grumbled against You for the hard times I'm facing. I choose to believe in You for my salvation, and I know that no matter what else happens, I will stand with You one day!