October 12th

Triumph or Tribulation

For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! Job 19:25-27

How is life these days? Have you personally recovered from the recession?

Maybe the last few years have been rough. Maybe the market downturn threw you a curveball. Maybe you lost your job. Or maybe some other tragedy has struck your life-the death of a loved one, troubles in your family, or any number of other things that so many people go through.

I know that for most of us, when we're in the low times of life, the last book we want to read is Job. I mean, we already have so much bad and depressing news, we don't really feel like reading a whole book about bad news, right?

Well, today we look to Job to teach us some good news.

That's right, I said good news from Job-the guy whom Satan knew by name, the guy who lost all his wealth, all his property, all his children, and most of his servants all in a matter of moments. All he had left was a nagging wife who told him to curse God and die. Who knows, maybe Satan knew she would be more torment to him alive than dead, so he left her alone. But things didn't stop there. Soon he had boils and was afflicted with disease so that he had the worst kind of suffering in both heart and body.

And it's from this guy that we're going to learn good news.

Here's the good news, are you ready? Job learned through his tribulations that triumph is promised in the name of Yahweh. He realized that God still provides the victory. He said, Even if my skin melts, I know that I will still see my Lord.

No matter what else happens to us, God still wins, and we will still see Him one day. And when that day comes, we will be whole and complete. Job's hope was unshakably in God alone, and he longed for the day when his hope would be realized. Not only that, but he longed for his faith in God to be recorded forever in a book.

The truth is that our faith in God, whatever that faith is, is being recorded in a book called the Book of Life. No matter what you're facing right now, is your faith like Job's wife? Or is your faith like Job's, eagerly waiting for the salvation of God?

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for being my victorious Savior! I'm sorry for the times that I have grumbled against You for the hard times I'm facing. I choose to believe in You for my salvation, and I know that no matter what else happens, I will stand with You one day!


Horizon Church
October 11th

The Signs that Lead to Sin

Then the LORD came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And the LORD called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. And the LORD said to Moses, Go down and warn the people, lest they break through to gaze at the LORD, and many of them perish...' But Moses said to the LORD, The people cannot come up to Mount Sinai; for You warned us...' Then the LORD said to him, Away! Get down and then come up.' Exodus 19:20-24

You know, I climbed Mount Sinai once. Actually, I rode a camel the whole way, and it still took me four hours.

Mount Sinai is a steep mountain of barren rock that's over seven thousand feet high. It's not a friendly, casual climb that you just make when you feel like it. But here in our verses today, we see Moses, who is now an eighty year old man, making this trip more than once.

In fact, when we look at the broader context surrounding these verses, Moses has made the trek to the top of the mountain three times in three days before the Lord tells him to go back down again, and then come right back up a fourth time. Up. Down. Up. Down. Then the Lord says, Come up, and as soon as Moses is up, the Lord says, Go back down.

It's like Moses is standing there listening to God and thinking, Man, can't I get some kind of break from all this climbing? Or maybe a hot tub, sauna, and massage? And really? I have to go back down again just to tell the people something I already told them?

Yes, Moses, you have to go back down. And then you have to come right back up.

Have you ever felt that God was inconvenient? I'm sure that Moses certainly did at that time. Maybe you've felt that it's just too much to ask that you read your Bible regularly, or that you pray, or that you fast, or that you come to church so much, or that you preach and teach the gospel to those who need to be saved.

Maybe it isn't always convenient to live with your spouse and raise your family in a way that honors God. Maybe it isn't always convenient to stand up for God when your friends want you to go with the crowd.

It wasn't convenient for Moses to obey God, but God is God and His presence was calling Moses to come. Whatever God is calling you to today, remember that He is God, and remember that His presence is waiting for you to come.

Prayer Lord God,

Thank You for calling me into Your presence! I know that it won't always be convenient to follow what You tell me to do, but I want to follow anyway. Please give me the strength to follow You no matter what!


Horizon Church
October 10th

The End

Behold, I am coming quickly! My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last...I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. Revelation 22:12-13,16

Can you remember your first love? Picture his or her face, if you can, and remember what it was like to have that baby crush on that little guy or gal. You can feel the little butterflies and recall how your mother would coo over how cute the two of you were.

Do you remember all that? Good, now answer me this question-how much does that first love matter to you now?

You see, our first love is of very little consequence. It is whom we will love to the end that matters most.

Who will you love to the end? No matter how long or how much it might cost you, what love will you cling to until the end of your days? Is it your love for sports? For the outdoors? For green energy or the environment? Or how about your love for politics or your job? Are these the loves in your life that will endure till you die?

Think about the things in which you are involved right now. What hobbies take up your time? What leadership positions are important to you? Consider these things, and then tell me whether they reflect the love that matters in the end.

Which love is this that ultimately matters? It is our love for Jesus, who alone is our pathway into eternal life. No other thing, no other person, no other love we can have could possibly transcend our earthly life. But Jesus, He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. He is the One we must love until the end.

Do not be mistaken about your love. Jesus is not church activities. He is not religious zeal. He is not even a point of intellectual doctrine.

Jesus is a genuine, loving relationship with God. Do you have this love?

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for loving me and desiring a relationship with me! I want to have a real relationship with You today and always. Please make my heart constant in pursuing You, so that I might love You until the end.


Horizon Church
October 9th

Faith Lift

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? ...You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:13-14

Life can be hard. And when life is hard, sometimes our faith can suffer. And when our faith is getting down, that's when it's time for a faith lift.

There are two ingredients that will lift your faith. The first ingredient is salt. There are several things that salt is good for.

There isn't any ingredient that will change the flavor of your food more than salt. This is what we should be doing in society, providing the flavor of Jesus wherever we go. And this isn't hard; just pray for an opportunity to share God's love with someone this week and follow God when He answers.

Salt also makes us thirsty, and there should be something about our lives that makes the people around us thirsty for Jesus. Before that can happen, though, we ourselves have to be thirsty-thirsty for Jesus, for His Word, and for true fellowship with other believers.

Salt is also a preservative, delaying the decaying of that which is temporary. This is what we do wherever we go, influencing the world around us for life instead of death.

The second ingredient to our faith lift is light. When light is itself, it can't help but shine. Wherever you go, just don't hide who you are as God's child; let your light shine. Because when light shines, it chases away darkness, causes things to grow, and becomes a guiding signal for those who are lost.

Light makes fruit grow in our lives, it reminds us of the godliness to which we are called, it shows us the right path to take in following Christ, and stimulates the great victory that Jesus won for us on the cross.

And it is this victory to which we are called, every day, and not only for ourselves, but for everyone around us. After all, Jesus didn't just come for you and me, but for the whole world, so let's lift our faith and become the salt and light of the world.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

You are the ultimate light of the world! But You are living in me, and I want to be like You in everything I do. Please shine through me and help me to be salt and light, lifting my faith and spreading faith in others wherever I go.


Horizon Church
October 8th

What Nothing Tells Us About God

And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children's children to the third and fourth generation. Exodus 34:6-7

What is the most important thing to know about God? God helps us answer this question in something He says to Moses in one of the most radical experiences any human has ever had.

Now listen. There were a lot of things that Moses already knew about God. He had seen the power of God displayed incredibly throughout those ten plagues that hit Pharaoh and Egypt. But there was something more that Moses wanted than just the display of the power of God.

And God comes down and He meets him there, and He does reveal to him His glory, at least a glimpse of it, but even more and even deeper, He reveals His very heart, saying, This is what you need to know about me as you step forth into this venture of faith that will last the next thirty-eight years. You need to know I'm a merciful God. You need to know that I am a gracious God. You need to know that I am longsuffering.

When you and I come under God's leadership and Lordship, these attributes that God revealed to Moses become the attributes that He reveals to us, for they are the very attributes of love in First Corinthians 13. They are also the very attributes of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. And we know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So if God is showing Himself through these attributes to one guy named Moses on Mount Sinai, you can be assured that those attributes have not changed and they are the same for you in the midst of your mountain or valley or fiery furnace.

God is merciful. God is gracious. God is patient. God is abounding in goodness and truth. God is faithful, keeping mercy for thousands. God is faithful, and He is forgiving.

You know what all this says to me? What's most important to know about God is that nothing can keep us from Him if we will just repent and go to Him. Don't let anything keep you from His presence in your life today. Come now, no matter what you've done or has been done to you, and He will take care of it.

Prayer Lord God,

Thank You that what You want me to know about You is that You're big enough to handle anything in my life! I really need Your help, so I come to You today and ask you to forgive me, to set me free from my past into the fullness of all You have for me.


Horizon Church
October 7th

All In

And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. Mark 14:3

This woman is all in. She broke apart the only thing of value that she had, something that represented her only chance at a bright future, and she poured it out on Jesus' head.

She reminds me of others in scripture who were all in, and in remembering what they did, I'm praying that it leads us to say the same thing-that we are all in.

Do you remember the story of Noah? God tells him to build a boat in the middle of a barren desert. It has never even rained before-ever. He doesn't have any idea whatsoever even what a boat is or looks like. He took mocking and criticism from his neighbors and it didn't rain for 119 years. Yet he never gave up. He stayed strong, saying, Lord, I'm all in. Whatever You need me to build for You, whatever You need me to do for You, I'll do it.

Elisha-same thing. One day, Elijah walks by Elisha and says, You know what? I don't know if you really mean that you're all in when you say you're all in. So Elisha grabs his two oxen that he's been plowing the fields with, builds an altar out of their plow and yoke, and slaughters the two oxen. He proved to Elijah and to the Lord that he's all in.

Abraham's on this list, too. When God tells him to take his son of promise on a three day trip, it wasn't for a picnic. He was going to sacrifice his son Isaac on an altar, and in so doing, say unto the Lord, I am all in. I don't get this. I don't understand this. But, Lord, I am all in.

I also think of that kid who brings his lunch with this great big crowd of five thousand people. He doesn't hold back at all. He doesn't say, Well, maybe I should just hold on to one of these loaves so I can make sure to have a bit of my lunch. No, he says, Lord, all the loaves that I have are Yours. All the fish that I have, they're Yours. He's all in.

And certainly this list is not complete without Jesus, who was all in on the cross; all in to suffer and to die; all in to face the rejection and humiliation, the pain and agony of the thorns, beatings, and scourging. He knew exactly what He was riding into Jerusalem to face on that Palm Sunday. He knew exactly what the Passover meal represented as He served the disciples the Last Supper. Jesus knew all these things, and He was all in.

What He wants to know now is, are you all in for Him?

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for being all in for me, not just on the cross, but right now. I don't know all that it will mean, but I offer myself to You today. I'm all in. Take me and use me for Your glory today and for the rest of my life!


Horizon Church
October 6th

Our Father

In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your name. Matthew 6:9

Do you have special names for the people who are close to you? Or do you have special names of respect for certain people?

Names were really important to Jewish culture in biblical times, and one name stood high above every other name-the name of God.

Like, let's say you wanted a copy of the Bible. In those days it wasn't like you had a nice bookshop that you could go into and buy a Bible. They were very, very precious and very, very rare. But if you wanted one for your family, you would come before the scribe and ask for a copy. You know what they'd say to you? Fine. That would be great. Come back in three months so we have time to handwrite a copy for you.

And check this out, as they're copying down the scriptures, every time they came to the name of God, not only would they not utter that name, they would never write that name either. In fact, every time they would come to the name of God, they would change their clothes, take a ritual bath of cleansing, put on new clothes, pick up a new quill, and still after all that they would not write the name of God.

Now go back to our verses today and see what name Jesus told us to use when we talk to God-our Father.

That's a big contrast there, isn't it? This is like no other prayer anyone had ever prayed. It sounded almost blasphemous at the time Jesus spoke these words because Jesus is taking this name that they weren't allowed to say, of this God whom they weren't allowed to approach, and now He's giving us permission to approach and call upon this God by a name that is jam packed with relationship and intimacy-Father, Daddy, Papa.

Can you see what Jesus is doing? He's drawing them in close. He's saying, I want you to see yourself as a part of this family. I want you to know that you bear the family name. You bear the crest. This is who you are.

Listen, as we go to speak to God in prayer, let's remember the relationship we are invited to. God shows up to you right now and simply says this: Take my name. Let me be your dad. Join my family. Partake in this relationship.

How will you respond to this invitation?

Prayer My Father,

I know that You are not like the fathers I have seen in my life. You're a good father, so I come to You today to be part of Your family, to take Your name. Please show me what it means to be part of Your family.


Horizon Church