August 30th

The Yardstick of Hardships

Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation? If I must boast, I will boast in the things which concern my infirmity. 2 Corinthians 11:29-30

How do you measure your life? Many of us have a doorpost somewhere in our house where we marked off our kids' growth, but what do you have in your life to mark your spiritual growth?

I propose today that your hardships can become your yardsticks for measuring life. I know this is a different way of thinking about them, but that's a good thing. So look with me today to the other side of your hardships to the point in time when they become testimonies.

How does your story read? What do you share with people as you're standing in line at Starbucks?

Do you have this thing down, saying, You know what? I used to be living for all the wrong reasons. I used to be very religious, but it was empty and hollow. It never really fulfilled, and I had my attitudes and activities all wrapped up in the wrong things. Problems never went away and my priorities were messed up. But then something happened. That unfulfillment and disappointment was overwhelmed the moment I invited Jesus into my life.

I don't think you have to get overly sensationalistic about it. It doesn't have to be this how-low-can-you-go testimony story. It could be just like generalities. Here's who I used to be. Here's what I used to be involved in. It was never fulfilling. I was disappointed. I was just kind of like all over the map. And then I met Christ. I'll never forget that night when I just prayed-it was a really simple prayer-Lord, take over.'

I confessed with my mouth that I needed him in my life, that I'm a sinner. I never ever in a million years could come up with enough evidence that I deserve anything other than death. And He washed away my sins. He forgave me of every mistake that I have ever made. And since then, oh my goodness.

Yeah, there have still been some problems, but it's different now. God's with me in them and He helps me overcome. And even in the middle of those things, He gives me this incredible peace like I can't even describe it to you.

Is this your story? It could be, as you simply mark out your life by God's faithfulness to you as you go through hardships. And when you share your story with others-imagine this-it can become their story, too, as they invite Jesus into their lives for the very first time.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for always being faithful to me in times of hardship! Please help me to see Your hand at work in my life, especially in the hard times, so that I can testify of Your goodness and lead others into Your kingdom!


Horizon Church
August 29th

When the Church Gets It Wrong

For I fear...lest there be contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, backbiting, whisperings, conceits, tumults. 2 Corinthians 12:20

Why do you go to church?

I think there are a lot of people who go to church for what they think they can get there. They're like, I feel so depressed; I need that pastor to give a really good word today. If it doesn't speak to me right where I am, I don't know what I'm going to do. Or they say, Wow, what a rough week I've had! I'm really looking forward to the worship time, but I hope they don't play that same song they've sung the past four weeks.

Then there are other people in some churches that it's like they're not even trying to connect with God there, instead busying themselves with gossip and backbiting and creating division within the church.

Some people even do this while pretending to be godly, which sounds something like, Did you hear what that teacher said this morning? I'm not really sure that's biblical. Now, do we need to hold to a high biblical standard? Yes. However, most of the time I've heard people say this, what they're really trying to do is run away from the conviction they felt from the word that was preached, so they pretend the other person is the one with the problem.

And what is the problem in all of these things? It's selfishness, Church, pure and simple.

Just as Paul wrote a list to the Corinthians of what should never happen in church, he gave lists to the Colossians of what should happen, saying, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Do you see the difference here? In what we should do, we have each taken responsibility for our walk with the Lord during the entire week so that when we gather together for fellowship, we all have something to give. To give!

Imagine what church would begin to look like if we all came with something to give. Would anyone lack? Would anyone go spiritually hungry? Would anyone fail to grow in their relationship with God? No, and instead of these things, the body would actually build itself up in a way we have never before seen.

Please, take responsibility for your spiritual walk during the week. Then when you come to church, you won't need to take. In fact, you'll have something valuable to give.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You that I have something valuable to give the rest of Your body when I come to church! Please let Your Word dwell in me richly, then give me opportunities to teach others what you have taught me.


Horizon Church
August 28th

The Promise of the Presence of the Power of the Holy Spirit

Then the LORD said to Gideon, By the three hundred men who lapped I will save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hand. Let all the other people go, every man to his place. Judges 7:7

Did you ever realize that the places the Bible talks about are real places? They are!

In fact, one trip to Israel that I went on, I went to the spring where Gideon led his men to give them a drink, where God whittled that army down to three hundred men.

While we were there at Gideon Springs, I got up front and I just starting telling the story of Gideon, telling how the story starts with a pretty good-sized army. It begins with 32,000 guys, but God says, You know what; there are too many soldiers in this army for me to give you the victory. This probably sounds strange to us. Usually, the more the merrier, you know, the more guys you've got fighting for you.

But the Lord says, Nope, we need to whittle this thing down. Just go ahead and tell the guys who want to go home to go home. Just like that, 22,000 leave. 10,000 are left.

And the Lord looks out and He goes, You know what, there are still too many guys here, so take them down to the spring. And the spring is still there. You can go and see the same spring that Gideon goes to there. The Lord gives them all a little test there at the water in how they drink it, and only three hundred men drink in the way He was looking for, keeping their heads up and their eyes open, looking out.

And all of a sudden as I was telling this story, a guy starts walking through our team and comes forward and says, I need to be baptized. He followed our crew down into Gideon Springs and got baptized.

You know, I just really think this is a powerful story, seeing how God not just used three hundred men to deliver Israel from the Midianites, but how God used little-old-me to help bring Nick to salvation.

I just really hope and pray with all my heart that that's your life today, that you've invited Him into your life to be your Lord, to be your Savior, to be your King.

And if that is you today, praise God, and I want to encourage you. Sometimes it might seem to you as if you're the minority. Gideon certainly could have thought that. Our team in Israel could have thought that. But God's on your side. You plus God equals a majority.

And if God is for you, who can be against you?

Prayer Lord God,

Thank You that You are with me and for me! Thank You that You see the circumstances that I face and You see how hopeless I have felt. But now that I know You are with me, please help me and lead me to overcome all that I face!


Horizon Church
August 27th

The Miracle of Giving Up

Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. 2 Corinthians 9:10-11

Did you know that God waits for you to give before He gives you more? See, He already gave you all you have, but there is a purpose in His giving.

It's not that God gives with strings attached; it's just that faithfulness is important to Him. When He sees that we're faithful with what we have, He knows He can trust us to do the right thing with more.

Our verses today compare our finances with seed and liken giving to sowing. Now, if we're going to sow sparingly, it doesn't give Him much to work with. But if you sow bountifully, He is going to bless you for that and you will reap bountifully, for God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

Now, if you've ever wondered what God's perspective is on prosperity, there it is. He's saying that He supplies all things for all sufficiency so that we may abound in every good work. And in all the alls there, don't miss the point-the good works we do with the seed He gives us.

God is saying He will supply seed to the sower, okay? He doesn't say he'll supply seed to the hoarder. He wants to bless you so that you can see this miraculous, faithful hand of His provision showing up in what you have sown.

If you're holding on so tightly, then you're not going to be able to see the fruit of the promise that He will be with you there, that He'll supply for you there, that He'll multiply for you there. He will increase the fruits of your righteousness there so you can be more generous, so you can give more away.

Do you see that word in our verses-liberality? Do you know what that word is? Liberal. You need to become a liberal. And I don't mean politically, but I do mean generously. Become more liberal and generous, so that God can bless you with more seed, so that you can bless more people, so that He can bless you with more seed, and on and on.

You are enriched in everything for all liberality. Find somewhere today where you can be liberal in giving.

Prayer Father God,

Thank You for providing for all my needs, giving me more than just enough so that I can sow seed into good ground! Thank You that I can trust You to provide for me as I simply live by what Your Word says!


Horizon Church
August 26th

Who Do You Love?

Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.' This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He said to him, Follow Me.' John 21:18-19

What if Jesus appeared to you right now and told you that you were going to be martyred for Him? Would that change your love for Him?

That's the test that Peter faced in our verses today. Jesus directly told him that he would one day be crucified as a martyr for Him, but called him nonetheless to follow. How would you respond to this?

Peter's response was to look over his shoulder at John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, the one who had leaned upon Jesus' breast at the Last Supper. And, looking at John, Peter said, What about that guy?

Like Peter, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, justifying ourselves based on how they're living. We look to see how fervently they love Jesus, and then adjust our love level to match theirs. We watch for how passionately and zealously the people around us serve the Lord, how much of themselves they give to Him, and what areas of their lives they withhold from Him.

But Jesus isn't looking at them right now. He's looking at you.

Can you hear Him today? Can you hear Him asking you, Will you follow Me no matter what? Will you give Me all of your life today? Will you live your life based on what I say and what I am asking of you instead of on what other people do for Me?

This is exactly what Jesus said to Peter. He said, What about that guy? I'm talking to you. Will you follow me, no matter where I lead you?

It all comes down to a personal relationship with Jesus. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing, what are you doing? Do you have that personal relationship of compassion, connection, and commitment in letting God find you, call you, help you, feed you, serve you, and love you?

Will you follow God, no matter where He leads you?

Prayer Lord Jesus,

I confess that I might not like all the places You lead me, but I love You more than that. So I choose today to follow You and let You lead me and love me, no matter where that takes us.


Horizon Church
August 25th

Wrong Way Worship

Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts, and put before them that which causes them to stumble into iniquity. Should I let Myself be inquired of at all by them? Ezekiel 14:3

Do you worship idols?

No, seriously. Do you worship idols? Because I bet that if I poked around a bit, I might find some things in your heart that have begun to rival the place that rightfully belongs to Jesus.

I think a lot of times we think that idols are the statue, forgetting that the real idol is the thing inside the worshiper's heart that makes them bow down to a dead image. The image was never the god. It was only supposed to represent the real god in whom the worshiper trusted.

Whom do you trust today?

In the days of Ezekiel, the Lord spoke to him and said, All these people have set up idols in their hearts, trusting in them for their needs. Should I let them ask my opinion on things when their trust is in idols?

Think about it. It's kind of like asking God a question when you're not really listening for His answer. He says, Should I really pay attention to them when they're not paying attention to me?

What are you paying attention to today?

Worshiping God means that we give Him our whole attention, affection, and devotion. This doesn't mean we neglect our work or families, but it means that God is our first priority, and that His opinion on a matter trumps what anyone or anything else says.

We take our lifestyle of worship wherever we go, not in singing worship choruses in our cubicle, but by working hard because we represent Christ. We are the best employee because we want to honor God in our work. We are the best dads and moms because we want to honor God in our families. We are the best neighbors because we want to be God's witness to the lost. Worship means that our lives are not our own, that they belong to God.

Does your life belong to God and God alone?

Prayer Lord God,

My life needs to belong to You alone. Please help me to see anything in my heart that rivals You for my affection and attention. I choose to trust in You alone and follow You no matter what.


Horizon Church
August 24th

Choose Your Glue

And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5

What's the purpose of your life?

No, really, do you know? Honestly, this is one of the biggest questions that almost all of us face at some point in our lives. We have to figure out some purpose for our lives or it is impossible for us to keep going and actually feel fulfilled and happy.

Fortunately for us, Paul, in God's Word, can help us identify our purpose in life. He says, for himself, that his faith is not in any wisdom of men, but in the power of God. And this is not something that we should let be just about Paul. We should absolutely take this 100 percent for ourselves.

This is our purpose. It's the point of our life. It's why we're here, why we exist. Whatever our profession is, whatever we do for a living, whatever other things we have a love and desire for, those things are never to replace the heart and glue of it all that we are God's and God's alone, bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

It starts by allowing this reality to be birthed in our heart. You cannot come and tell me that you have just always believed. It's not true, because faith at some point has to be birthed in you. There was never some ever-existing faith inside of you. And maybe today is the day this faith is really birthed inside of you.

Once this faith is birthed in our heart, it needs to be built. We take that faith and build it strong for the glory of the Lord, strengthening one another, strengthening our kids, in the nurture and love and admonition of the Lord.

Then this birthed and built faith needs to be rightly aligned. Our faith is not random. We are not just lining up behind the latest and greatest thing to be preached. No, we align with one thing-Jesus Christ crucified, and only Jesus Christ crucified.

This is the only formula for glue to keep our lives together. Faith birthed, built up, and rightly aligned with Jesus Christ alone. Only this has the power to save us and lead us to everlasting life.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

I put my faith in You today! I turn away from everything in which I have put faith in the past and I choose You alone today. Please glue my broken life back together and lead me in Your way of life!


Horizon Church