The Yardstick of Hardships
Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation? If I must boast, I will boast in the things which concern my infirmity. 2 Corinthians 11:29-30
How do you measure your life? Many of us have a doorpost somewhere in our house where we marked off our kids' growth, but what do you have in your life to mark your spiritual growth?
I propose today that your hardships can become your yardsticks for measuring life. I know this is a different way of thinking about them, but that's a good thing. So look with me today to the other side of your hardships to the point in time when they become testimonies.
How does your story read? What do you share with people as you're standing in line at Starbucks?
Do you have this thing down, saying, You know what? I used to be living for all the wrong reasons. I used to be very religious, but it was empty and hollow. It never really fulfilled, and I had my attitudes and activities all wrapped up in the wrong things. Problems never went away and my priorities were messed up. But then something happened. That unfulfillment and disappointment was overwhelmed the moment I invited Jesus into my life.
I don't think you have to get overly sensationalistic about it. It doesn't have to be this how-low-can-you-go testimony story. It could be just like generalities. Here's who I used to be. Here's what I used to be involved in. It was never fulfilling. I was disappointed. I was just kind of like all over the map. And then I met Christ. I'll never forget that night when I just prayed-it was a really simple prayer-Lord, take over.'
I confessed with my mouth that I needed him in my life, that I'm a sinner. I never ever in a million years could come up with enough evidence that I deserve anything other than death. And He washed away my sins. He forgave me of every mistake that I have ever made. And since then, oh my goodness.
Yeah, there have still been some problems, but it's different now. God's with me in them and He helps me overcome. And even in the middle of those things, He gives me this incredible peace like I can't even describe it to you.
Is this your story? It could be, as you simply mark out your life by God's faithfulness to you as you go through hardships. And when you share your story with others-imagine this-it can become their story, too, as they invite Jesus into their lives for the very first time.
Prayer Lord Jesus,
Thank You for always being faithful to me in times of hardship! Please help me to see Your hand at work in my life, especially in the hard times, so that I can testify of Your goodness and lead others into Your kingdom!