May 13th

All Aboard

But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

All over the world right now, do you know what season it is? It is farming season.

As I travel to different places, sometimes I really get to see this in action. The fields are all plowed up as winter turns into spring, opening up the ground to receive the seeds. The farmer sows the seeds into the ground and spends the summer tending to his crop. Then, finally, after months of work and waiting, what happens? Of course, the crop becomes ripe and it is time to harvest and go to market!

And every year without fail, the farmers receive income from their harvest that is proportionate to what they sowed in the springtime. Why? Because they cannot reap a large harvest unless they sow a lot of seed. If they sow sparingly then they will reap sparingly, but if they sow generously then they will reap generously.

This is a law of nature that God established in the way He created the world, and it is a principle that also governs our finances, along with other areas of our lives.

If we withhold what we have from others, selfishly hoarding it for ourselves then we will eventually find what we have dwindling. Our fear of lack will actually lead to lack. However, when we sow into others with our finances, time, love, gifts, and more, then we will receive back in kind according to what we have sown.

This principle is easy enough to understand, so why do we have a hard time following it? It is because the real issue is in our hearts. The issue is whether or not we love others as we love ourselves and trust God to be our provider. Because if we love others and we trust God then the natural extension of those things is cheerful generosity.

When we go on a business trip, we expense everything we pay to the company we represent. Why would it be different in the kingdom? When we sow our finances into building God's kingdom, He keeps a record and is faithful to make sure we reap according to how we sow.

Let's be a people who trust God, love others, and sow generously.

Prayer Father God,

You are my provider, and I repent for not loving others as I love myself and for not trusting You with my finances. I put my trust in You today! Please give me courage as You show me opportunities to be generous with the seed You have given me to sow.


Horizon Church