December 31st

Crossing the Finish Line

Behold, I tell you a mystery, We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed-in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

I bet you did this to your kids, just like your parents did it to you.

You better do as I say before I count to three! One! Two! And hopefully, if you were like I was, your parents rarely had to say, Three! because we all know what sort of trouble came our way if we pushed our parents that far.

Did you know that God has a counting system just like this? Paul tells us about God's last trumpet call in our verses today, and when that last trumpet sounds, then that's it, time's up, your chance is over.

When Paul says, last trumpet, he is probably referring to a practice of the Roman army, who would sound one trumpet to instruct the army to prepare to move. Get packed up, roll up the cot, and fold up the tent. Then a second trumpet would sound, which told the army it was time to line up. Finally, a third trumpet would sound, the last trumpet, telling the army that it was time to march-leave base camp and follow the general.

God's trumpets go like this: The first one sounds to your heart, saying, Hey, if you're not prepared to leave, then you'd better get ready. It's time to stop living for here and now and start getting ready to go.

Then the second one sounds, telling you, It's time to fall in line, time to get right with God, time to be steadfast and immovable. Time is short and it's time to get your life straight. Finally, the last trumpet will sound, and if you have ignored the first two trumpets then it will be too late. You will be left behind as the army moves out without you. And when that time hits, you will not like your options for trying to catch up.

But the good news is that our Heavenly Father has not counted to three yet. There is still time. Turn now from living for the world and put your faith in Jesus. Then, when that final trumpet sounds, you will be caught up with the Lord to enjoy the blessings of Heaven.

Prayer Father God,

I hear you counting to three and I want to respond to Your voice. I choose now to listen to You and believe in Jesus. Please help me to live for You as I look to finish this life well!


Horizon Church