October 30th
The Be-Ready Attitudes
...Be at peace among yourselves. 1 Thessalonians 5:13
It is amazing how the word peace has become a divisive word. It's almost like it has been said too much; we have heard it so often that we do not hear it anymore.
But here Paul gives us no choice. We have to listen because he commands us to be at peace among ourselves.
This is not a passive objective in our mission. If it is a command, then it has to be an ac-
tive pursuit. We must pursue peace. Wherever we find a vacuum of peace, our job is to create it.
An amazing thing happens when we do this. God's name is, Jehovah Shalom-I AM your Peace. He is also called the Prince of Peace and the God of all peace. This means that when we cause peace to enter a situation, we bring God into it. Or perhaps I should say it this way-when we bring God into a situation, He brings His peace with Him.
Is there strife, division, broken relationships, anxiety, or fear in your life? Can you think of anyone right now with whom you know you should reconcile?
Paul's command is to make peace. No matter whom we need to reconcile with, we need to do it. I challenge you-give the broken relationship to God and ask Him to help you make peace, then watch what He will do!
Prayer Father God,
Thank You for the promise of peace! Empower me to be a peacemaker in my relationships.